Our Story

Even as a child, Jacqueline always knew she wanted to own her own business one day. "I have been into beauty since I was younger and wanted to have my own "one stop shop". I remember being in second grade, preparing for career day. Our parents were coming to speak to our class, my Dad was coming and I was excited. We were tasked with finding our future career from a stack of preset designs and coloring them. I was so excited to start but, I looked through the stack and asked myself, "Where is the business woman?!"

Her entrepreneurial mindset stayed with her throughout the years and remained a dream of hers. After high school, she attended and graduated from Savannah State University, obtaining her degree in Business Marketing.

Upon returning home to Decatur, GA, she began making small strides to figure out how to start her brand. "I knew what I wanted to do, I just wasn't sure what to call it and how to start. I was stuck on a name. My Dad was business savvy and knew that I wanted to tap more into my skills in that arena. He even offered to help construct a business plan."

On February 22, 2022, her Dad passed away. This was pretty devastating as it is to lose a parent. "I didn't know how to deal with a loss like this. It was so unreal. I was going through the motions for a long time and just felt empty."

While mourning the loss of her Dad, she began exploring ways to start her brand again. " I was still stuck on a name but I figured, if I just keep going, it'll come to me. And it did. I was pacing, thinking, and I just heard "Too Twenty Two".

Because she and her Dad did not get a chance to construct that business plan, she decided to dedicate the brand name to him. In remembrance of him.

"I know my family will be proud of me and this brand one day. Especially my Dad. Just give me some time. And to little Jackie that was asking "where is the business woman?!" Here she is."